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LabSelect version 4 (Revision 29) WorkBench 2+ ONLY
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ===================
** NB: This program requires req.library to be in your libs: directory.
The program can be run from a Workbench icon, or from the CLI: and it
is Public Domain.
The objective of this program is to print small batches of labels
for a single addressee - something I can't find in any label-printing
utility I've so far seen. If you want to print runs of single labels
for a number of separate addressees, there's 'EnveloPrint' available
in PD. Or you can use the Mailing option which is in several word
processors and database systems.
Right:- that's what it's for. And I wrote it for myself because it
does exactly what I want. So don't come wingeing to me that "it
doesn't do...." since it wasn't designed to do that!
Apart from that, and taking it as a purpose-written utility, I now
publish LabSelect in the Public Domain on an "as is" basis.
Many thanks to Bil Irving and Jim Perry for advice on the screen
display and the Help feature, to Steve Parkinson for help in tracking
down a few coding bugs, and Anthony Keeley for winding me up
something rotten (and confirming the advice Bil gave me).
Type your addresses with any editor, each name/address as a
separate file, which I suggest you save with extension ".lab". Some
example files are supplied with this program. There's no need to
allow margins at top and left of the text, as these can be adjusted
at run time.
If you use a word-processor, make sure that you save the file in
ASCII format. This usually means you must select the "Save as" menu
option, where you can specify the format as ASCII. In Wordworth
there's a file requester & a "Format" button in the Save window.
Click on "Format, and in the format window click on ASCII. In some
processors you have to ask for "Save as text", "Print to file", or
"Print to disk".
Put these files in any directory, on any disk. The S: directory
is a logical place unless you have other ideas. Give the files a
.lab extension and you can arrange for your file requester only to
show those files.
Label stock should be 'one abreast' and preferably tractor fed.
LQ printing ("Letter Quality")
LQ is provided for use with printers that do not have their own
built-in fonts and are either set by the system Printer Preferences
or by internal switches. If your printer has selectable fonts, then
the LQ option should NOT be used as it will cause your printer to
revert to system Printer Preferences (in LQ mode).
If Letter Quality is already set in Prefences, then turning it off
by selecting "Draft Quality" in this program will make no difference.
The program only changes the setting if LQ is requested, and then
restores the previous setting as soon as printing is terminated.
The File Requester
This is initally set to show all files in the S: directory
(drawer) only. If you enter a different directory, or enter a
'template' in the SHOW box (bottom right), you can save these
preferences to the Config file for future use. e.g. You want only
to show files with extension .lab so you would enter *.lab in the
SHOW box. (* in this context means "any name", equivalent to the DOS
use of #?)
Or if you want to show only files with .label extension in a drawer
called "Addresses", you would enter "Addresses" (no quotes) in the
Drawer box, and *.label in the Show box.
Configuration file
Once you have set your all your preferred options to your needs,
you can save these values to a "config" file for use each time you do
another run ......
Select "Save config" from the pulldown menu (top left of title
bar), and your settings will be written to "Labsel.config" in the S:
directory. This file, if it exists, will be read in and used each
time you start up.
Command arguments
This is for users who just love entering commands. In fact they
are totally unnecessary, but here goes.....
You can over-ride the configuration file, or store your settings if
the config file doesn't exist, by using "command line arguments" when
you start the program. Note that only those arguments entered this
way will affect the config held on file. Any others on that file
will be used as found.
If you run the program from the CLI you can enter up to 6 arguments:-
-p<path> to set the default data directory ('drawer') e.g. -pSys:labdata
-m<margin> to set the printing offset e.g. -m4
-l<label spacing> to set the spacing, usually 9 or 12 lines. eg -l8
-c<copies> to set the number of copies of each label e.g. -s6
-s0 will turn off the 'custom screen'. Windows appear on Workbench screen
-s1 will turn on the custom screen. Windows will appear on this screen.
-s<screen name> will attempt to use the named Public screen
e.g. "-sMyPublicScreen". If this fails, the WB screen is used.
-n0 will turn off LQ: "Letter Quality" is the default setting.
-n1 will restore LQ: enabling you to save a new config using LQ.
(Note that this setting can also be changed by Menu at runtime)
These may be entered in any sequence. e.g.
labselect -l0 -m4 -n0 -psys:labels -s
and if you forget this lot, use:- labselect ? for the list of arguments.
These settings can be saved to the config file for future use without again
entering them. (See next section: Menu)
The Menu
A pulldown menu is provided with 5 options:
1. LOAD CONFIG Loads the setting you stored on a config file. This has
no effect until you have already Saved such a file.
2. SAVE CONFIG saves all your current settings to S:LabSel.config
This file is automatically loaded when you next run LabSelect.
3. LETTER QUALITY sets the LQ flag. Use this option ONLY if your
printer is set for draft mode otherwise, and NOT if you have
already selected a special font on the printer. Using this flag
will cause the system Printer Preferences to be used plus the
LQ option for the duration of label-printing (only).
4. LQ OFF unsets the LQ flag. The print quality now depends on your
Amiga Print Preferences and/or your printer settings. This menu
option does not actually set "draft" in your preferences - it merely
refrains from setting LQ internally at label-print time.
5. QUIT yet another way to close down the program. You're spoiled for
Changes in Version 2
Revision 25:
Public screen options put in. Memory leak of 299 bytes after each
run (in version 1) has been found & corrected.
Revision 26:
Changes to the LQ option ('Letter Quality') which did not work if
the program was run from Workbench (icon). LQ is now the default
setting, and can be over-ridden/restored by command line arguments
(see below), or from the menu (see below). Current setting is
included when you Save to the Config file (by menu). If LQ is used,
the printer preference setting is changed in memory, and restored to
what it was before when a print batch has been done.
Revision 27:
Something went wrong with the 'Use default public screen' option -s0
and this revision would guru if that argument was entered. Not really
sure what happened - presumably tinkering with coding without checking
it afterwards (hides head in shame). However, some more tinkering with
a few nested IF clauses cleared the problem. At the same time some more
folly protection was put in, and if a 'named public screen' is not
found, the program reverts to using the Workbench screen without complaint
or crashing!
Changes in Version 3
Revision 28:
The user can now enter a template in the 'Show' box of the file
requester. This will be saved to the config file for future use.
Changes in Version 4
Revision 29:
Changes to documentation (this file) to explain use of "Letter Quality".
Number of copies "Other" string gadget contents now changed to reflect
user's most recent choice when selected on a button.
If "VIEW" data is selected, then data will continue to be shown in the
viewing window after change of file, or on closing the Help window.
String gadgets for "Other" now respond to a mouse-click in help mode.
Gnome 14.3.93